Osgathorpe Heritage
Heritage Trail
Photo Gallery
The 14th Century St Mary's Anglican church remains a place of worship today. The nearby Wesleyan Methodist Chapel was built in 1835 and closed in 1962.
St Mary's Church graveyard closed to burials in 1873. Land was acquired afterwards for a new cemetery that continues to be open for new burials today.
The Thomas Harley Free School built in 1683 and after its closure in 1901 later reopened as an infant school. The Public Elementary School was established in the 19th Century and was connected with the Anglican Church.
The Almshouses provided accommodation for widows of clergymen and was erected on the instruction of Thomas Harley from funds left by him in his will.
The Royal Oak and Storey Arms on Main Street are both ale houses dating back to the 1700's. The Storey Arms still remains a public house today. The Royal Oak closed a few years ago and is now a private residence.
Granges developed from the 12th Century and were often originally farmed by monastic orders.
Built in the 1600's by Edward Palmer
Maps of Osgathorpe dating back to the 17th Century